(重要諺語談)70:Need makes virtue. 必要生美德。
Need will have its course. 當我們有需求時便自有進取之道——窮則通。
Extremes meet. 兩極端相遇相連——大智若愚。
I escaped from the thunder and fell into the lightning. 逃過雷轟,落入閃電——免於小禍,卻陷入大災。
Jack of all trades, master of none. 俗語:周身刀,沒張利。
A man cannot be in two places at once. 人不能同時在兩處——一心不可二用。
A man(或 one)among a thousand. 千人中只有一人——人中白眉。
Little and often fills the purse. 少而頻繁使錢包漲滿——積少成多。
No man is wise at all times. 源於拉丁古訓:Nemo(mortalium)omnibus horis sapit. 誰都不是常時聰明的——聰明一世也難免糊塗一時。