2010年10月19日 星期二

University Announcement: Message from Candidate NG Ka-ho - Election of Postgraduate Student Member to the University Council

Dear postgraduate students,

Attached please find the election platform received from one of the candidates, NG Ka-ho, who runs for the election of postgraduate student member to the University Council.

Please note that candidates are held responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the information provided in the election platform, including any URL of other websites quoted.

Council Secretariat
20 October 2010


Message from NG Ka-ho

I, NG Ka-Ho, have been studying in CityU for over 6 years (obtained my BE and MPhil and pursuing my PhD). CityU is my second home. I would like to serve and contribute to my Alma Mater.

As General Secretary of City University Postgraduate Association (CUPA), I work very hard on CUPA's 4 main fields of activities: membership, mentorship, leadership and citizenship. For example I have organized Rock Climbing Fun Days, Shenzhen University Exchange Visit, “Say No to Shark Fin Soup” Campaign, Seminar by “the first Chinese woman who conquered the World’s 7 highest mountains and the 2 Poles”, etc. since March this year. Besides, I also organized a series of hiking activities, e.g. Hiking Fun Days and Trailwalker Trainings.

I am also a member of the Board of Graduate Studies and the Academic Conduct Committee of CityU. Moreover, I am a member of the Student Complaints Panel. I attended most of the meetings of these committees, in which I spoke out the thoughts of CityU students and did my best to protect their interests.

My Election Objects:
Increase Research Studentship
More Resources on Career Development for Postgraduates
Notebook Computer Purchase Subsidy
Provide More Residence for Postgraduates
Increase Communication Channels between Students and CityU.

作為城大研究生會秘書,我和其他委員合力舉辦過各種活動。例如: 攀石樂趣日,深大交流團,“保護鯊魚、不吃魚翅”活動,“首位征服七大洲最高峰及兩極的華裔女性”講座等。此外,我還帶領過多次爬山及越野活動。



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