2010年8月10日 星期二

Why join English Debating Team (EDT)?

Why join English Debating Team (EDT)?

w Look good on resume
An experience of representing your university would add to your resume. Being in a school team means being
outstanding in that aspect. Being in the EDT means being a critical thinker and a competent speaker in English.

w Incredible International Exposure
Once selected, you may travel to different countries to compete in international tournaments with the
University’s subsidies
. And in the international tournaments, you will compete with some of the smartest minds
in universities around the world. You will be able to meet foreign friends and learn from each other.

w Think smart !
Debating requires critical and logical thinking. It helps to polish your analytical skills. And you also need to
think fast, because you only have 15 minutes to prepare for your speech in BP style debates.

w Become aware of global issues
You have better chance winning if you have more knowledge of the current issues around the world. You will
then find greater motivation to read more news and get to understand different issues in more in-depth ways.

w STAND OUT from the crowd
It is nice to have good public speaking skills. You never know when you will need it.

w Brush up your English, before it gets rusted
It has been some time since your UE exam. Secondary school English is the best you can be? Think again.

w Meet more friends and have fun !
Other than the members in our team, you will also be able to meet debaters from other local universities and
foreign universities through different tournaments and workshops.
