2008年9月25日 星期四


貝理雅搞笑訪問 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22lyFz2lkfs

Jon Stewart:
We're here with the former Prime Minister of England...Tony Blair. Your relationship with George Bush seems...(what's the word I'm looking for...) inexplicable(令人費解的).

Tony Blair: Well, I mean, first of all, here's something I find always goes down well, particularly back home, I like him.

Jon Stewart: You like him?

Tony Blair: Yes.

Jon Stewart: Now, see, I hear that he's a very good guy. And I would probably like hime too if he wasn't in charge of me.
Tell me something that you like.. because I don't... Now I feel like we're talking about... It's like we're talking about the bad boy in school that you're going out with.
You know... like, "You don't know him like I know him!".
You know... that kind of things...
What is it about him that he doesn't show us?

Tony Blair: I mean it depends whether you agree with him or not on the security threat, which I happen to to, but if you don't, then obviously you're less inclined(傾向的) to like him.

Jon Stewart: Here's the thing I wanna tell you. I'm delighted to... even get an opportunity to talk to you, and I appreciate your patience... even discussing all these things with me... because I think it's very kind of you.
And... you know something I really appreciate is... I live in this country, and I've asked our President to actually many many times to come and explain this to me, and he doesn't feel like it.

Tony Blair: And you want me to speak to him about it?

Jon Stewart: Could you?

Tony Blair: Yeah.
