2009年5月28日 星期四

Great Song: Desperado Eagles

Desperado Eagles

Why don't you come to your senses
You've been out riding fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one

But I know that you've got your reasons
These things that are pleasing you
Can hurt you somehow
Don't you draw the Queen of diamonds boy
She'll beat you if she's able
The Queen of hearts is always your best bet
How it seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones you can't get

Oh, you ain't getting no younger
Your pain and your hunger
They're driving you home
Freedom, ah, freedom
That's just some people talking
Your prison is walking thru this world all alone

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losing all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away

Why don't you come to your senses
Come down from your fences open the gate
It may be raining
But there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you
You better let somebody love you
Before it's too late
亡命之徒 老鷹合唱團






2009年5月27日 星期三

港姐面試, 佳麗 Lucy的英文投訴電郵

港小姐一向標榜美貌與智慧並重,不過,在早前港姐面試過程中,佳麗質素頗為平庸。本報昨日接獲一封自稱是首輪面試佳麗 Lucy的英文投訴電郵,指面試當日評判態度欠佳,揚言「 hurt die me」

我是 Lucy, I went to Miss Hong Kong first interview. Wah d judges very
not polite and not nice law. Today I see a megazine saying this year's
Girls so ugly. I saw many good and pretty girls there but they didn't
choose ja ma. Don't choose mei suen law but the judge in first
interview-- most very not polite to many young girls and to to me law. I
only 18 the judges ask me to"why join Miss HK go and why not study la u
only F7 ja wor how can fright with other wor." Also say my English bad…
hurt die me.
Ho La, other girl tell me la, she study in University ok ga dou but
little fat or short then the judge(woman) said " why you look fat or so
short!" wah ho hurt ga ma.
One girl is a博士 student ar very high level and very nice ga dou cant
get in second interview la. We think she will be in ga but she said no
law. You can search her pic and my pic to see la. She gum high level duo
ng dak, gum me ng duk duo rite gei but i think the whole choosing is not
fair law, choose model mei? young yao inch', high study level yao inch,
short yao inch… They onky choose rich girl law so bad.
We don't go and let them inch ga law if they need tall or high level
people then why not put in the application form lei.
Waste time!
dou ng fair gei!
u can email me if u want.


我 係 Lucy,我去?港姐第一輪面試。嘩,?評判好冇禮貌好唔友善囉。今日我睇雜誌話今屆?女好樣衰,但我見到好多靚女,不過佢?唔揀咋嘛。唔選咪算囉,但第 一輪面試??評判——大部份對?女仔同我都好冇禮貌囉。我得? 18歲,個評判問我點解要參加港姐而唔去讀書,話我中七咋喎點同其他女仔鬥喎。又話我?英文差……傷心死我呀。好啦,有個女仔同我講啦,佢讀大學, OK?都,但有?肥同矮,咁個評判(女人)就話:「點解你咁肥同咁矮!」嘩,好 hurt?嘛。
有個女仔讀緊博士,又高學歷又友善?,都入唔到第 二輪面試啦。我?成班女仔覺得佢入到(第二輪面試)?,但佢話冇囉。你可以去搵佢?相同我?相睇睇啦。佢咁高學歷都唔得,咁我唔得都??,但我覺得成個遴 選制度唔公平囉,選 model咩?年輕又寸、高學歷又寸、矮又寸……佢?淨係揀有錢女囉,曳到。
鍾意就 email畀我啦。

2009年5月22日 星期五

Top 100 Asian Universities Ranking 2009

Source: QS.com Asian University Rankings 2009
Top 100 Universities

1 University of HONG KONG Hong Kong
2 The CHINESE University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
3 University of TOKYO Japan
4 HONG KONG University of Science and Tech... Hong Kong
5 KYOTO University Japan
6 OSAKA University Japan
7 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Scie... Korea, South
8 SEOUL National University Korea, South
9 TOKYO Institute of Technology Japan
10= National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
10= PEKING University China
12 NAGOYA University Japan
13 TOHOKU University Japan
14 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore
15= KYUSHU University Japan
15= TSINGHUA University China
17 Pohang University of Science and Technol... Korea, South
18 CITY University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
19 University of TSUKUBA Japan
20= HOKKAIDO University Japan
20= KEIO University Japan
22 National TAIWAN University Taiwan
23 KOBE University Japan
24 University of Science and Technology of ... China
25 YONSEI University Korea, South
26 FUDAN University China
27 NANJING University China
28 HIROSHIMA University Japan
29 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG University China
30= Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (I... India
30= MAHIDOL University Thailand
32 ZHEJIANG University China
33 KOREA University Korea, South
34 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (I... India
35 CHULALONGKORN University Thailand
36 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (II... India
37 WASEDA University Japan
38 The HONG KONG Polytechnic University Hong Kong
39 Universiti Malaya (UM) Malaysia
40 National TSING HUA University Taiwan
41 CHIBA University Japan
42 EWHA WOMANS University Korea, South
43 National CHENG KUNG University Taiwan
44 SUNGKYUNKWAN University Korea, South
45 NAGASAKI University Japan
46 HANYANG University Korea, South
47 National YANG MING University Taiwan
48 TOKYO Metropolitan University Japan
49 Indian Institute of Technology Madras (I... India
50 University of INDONESIA Indonesia
51 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Malaysia
52 SHOWA University Japan
53 KUMAMOTO University Japan
54 YOKOHAMA NATIONAL University Japan
55 YOKOHAMA CITY University Japan
56 OKAYAMA University Japan
57 KYUNG HEE University Korea, South
58 PUSAN National University Korea, South
59 GIFU University Japan
60 University of DELHI India
61 SOGANG University Korea, South
62 KANAZAWA University Japan
63= Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (... India
63= OSAKA CITY University Japan
63= Universitas GADJAH MADA Indonesia
63= University of the PHILIPPINES Philippines
67 TOKYO University of Science (TUS) Japan
68 GUNMA University Japan
69 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Malaysia
70 TIANJIN University China
71 National SUN YAT-SEN University Taiwan
72 National TAIWAN University of Science an... Taiwan
73 Hong Kong BAPTIST University Hong Kong
74 National CHIAO TUNG University Taiwan
75 XI'AN JIAOTONG University China
76 DE LA SALLE University Philippines
77 National CENTRAL University Taiwan
78 NIIGATA University Japan
79 OCHANOMIZU University Japan
80 BANDUNG Institute of Technology (ITB) Indonesia
81 CHIANG MAI University Thailand
82= KYUNGPOOK National University Korea, South
82= Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Malaysia
84 Ateneo de MANILA University Philippines
85 THAMMASAT University Thailand
86 TOKAI University Japan
87 MIE University Japan
88 CHONNAM National University Korea, South
89 KAGOSHIMA University Japan
90 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Malaysia
91 CHANG GUNG University Taiwan
92 INHA University Korea, South
93 TOKYO University of Agriculture and Tech... Japan
94 TONGJI University China
95 SOUTHEAST University China
96 HITOTSUBASHI University Japan
97 CHONBUK National University Korea, South
98 AJOU University Korea, South
99 CHUNGNAM National University Korea, South
100 University of PUNE India

How about the HongKong School in this Ranking
University of HONG KONG
Hong Kong
The CHINESE University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
HONG KONG University of Science and Tech...
Hong Kong
CITY University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
The HONG KONG Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Hong Kong BAPTIST University
Hong Kong